Training, such as a business language course, increases your chances on the labour market. It is now possible to do this at a very attractive price point, because employees and job seekers can apply for a STAP budget of up to € 1,000 per year for education and development. STAP is short for “Stimulering van de ArbeidsmarktPositie” (Stimulating the Labour Market Position). Application rounds for this subsidy open six times per year. The next application round starts on 28 February 2023. We are happy to help you prepare for this.
Yes, all our individual training courses with minimum level B1 are eligible for the STAP budget.
Please note: It is important to apply for the STAP budget on 3 July at 9.55 a.m. sharp. Experience tells us that the available money will run out within minutes.
The STAP subsidy reimburses a maximum of €1,000 of your educational costs. If the course is more expensive, you’ll pay the remaining amount directly to Ziggurat Taaltrainingen.
After applying, you’ll have to wait approximately four weeks. You can only start your business training with the STAP budget once you have received the subsidy.
You can read more about the STAP budget on the website of the Dutch government or the UWV.
Do you have questions or comments? Please contact us via the contact form, send an e-mail to or call us at 050 – 720 02 02.