
Become a partner of Ziggurat Language Courses

Many companies choose Ziggurat Taaltrainingen as their permanent training company for business language training. We have years of experience in designing and delivering business language training for companies. And with great success: what employees learn can be immediately put into practice. They learn exactly what they need for their work. But a partnership with Ziggurat has other advantages:

Working together for the best solutions
  • Ziggurat will help you find the best approach without any obligation on your part: how can we together develop a training course that best meets the needs of your organization? What does your organization consider important for the content and implementation of training courses? Together, we will draw up a training plan that sets out the details of our collaboration and the (practical) agreements we reach.
  • Ziggurat will help you find the best approach without any obligation on your part: how can we together develop a training course that best meets the needs of your organization? What does your organization consider important for the content and implementation of training courses? Together, we will draw up a training plan that sets out the details of our collaboration and the (practical) agreements we reach.
  • Are student evaluations not what you expected? Or do they exceed your expectations? Then we can agree on a form of reward, such as a bonus or a course fee discount.
Guaranteeing results and quality
  • A training course that perfectly matches the company’s work sector, prior knowledge, learning goals and learning style of the participants also needs one fixed trainer for the duration of the course. We determine the language level and objectives of the course participants during an intake interview. Then we consider which trainer would best suit them. To find out if it is indeed the perfect match, we ask the participants immediately after the first lesson their feelings about the trainer. Is there a click? Does he or she meet their expectations? If not, we begin the training again with a different trainer.
  • After each lesson, participants receive an e-mail with an ‘exit ticket’, on which they can answer a number of short questions about the lesson. This gives them insight into what they have learned and what they (still) want to learn. If necessary, we adapt the course as a result of these comments.
  • Midway through the training, the trainer writes an interim evaluation, and the participants fill out a questionnaire. We also send these evaluations to the relevant managers in your organization. If necessary, we adapt the training on the basis of these interim evaluations.
  • After the training, the trainer writes a final evaluation, and the participants receive a questionnaire in which they can express their opinions regarding the training. These evaluations will also be sent to your organization.
  • Ziggurat actively monitors whether the participants complete their assignments on the e-learning platform. Do we notice that particular participants find a certain subject difficult? If so, they will receive additional explanation during the following lesson. Are their scores too high? Then we will provide assignments that offer more challenge. Is a participant lagging behind? Then we will contact them personally to identify possible problem areas and to offer solutions that will motivate them to make even more progress.
  • Ziggurat Taaltrainingen has received the NRTO quality standard, issued by the Dutch Council for Training and Education (NRTO). This confirms that we meet high quality standards.
Clear and accessible: one fixed contact person

You will have a single contact at Ziggurat Taaltrainingen.

A digital portal for an up-to-date overview

Your organization will have its own digital portal. By using this portal, managers and HR personnel, for example, can view all current and completed training courses. Everything is in one place: training courses, schedules, participants, lesson objectives, evaluations, certificates, invoices and so on; therefore, you never lose track of your training courses, participants and results.

Interested in investigating the possibilities?

Want to know what we can do for your organization? Then fill out this form and we will make contact with you: